Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Decorating Your Camera

Transform your camera into something completely different.

 We have all kinds of materials available for our transformation.
  • Plastercraft
  • Felt
  • Balsa Wood
  • Raffia
  • Wire
  • Acrylic Paints
  • String
  • Yarn
  • Foam Core
  • and much more.

Some Considerations
  • Think of objects that are already cylinders. (Batteries, Light House)
  • Don't bite off more than you can chew. With enough time you can create almost anything, we don't have forever!
  • A simple armature can be made out of bundled paper towels and masking tape. Cover it with plaster craft to create heads.
  • Use acrylic paint, not tempera.
  • The hot glue gun is your friend!
  • Every day junk can often be turned into something else.
Here are a couple of examples of previous student work.

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