Tuesday, December 20, 2016

First Roll of Film

Preparing Chemicals - The Chemistry should be at about 68 degrees.

I pour the chemistry into pitchers and place them in front of each labeled bottle. This ensures you don't accidentally use the wrong solution.

Film Developer - Mix  ILFOSOL 3concentrate at 1 to 9.  You will need at least 30 oz. of developer, or 3 oz. of concentrate to 27oz. of water.  Mix with paddle.  This is a one shot developer and is disposed of after use.

Stop Bath – Premixed by teacher.  Check the color.  Yellow is Ok.  A violet color means the stop bath is exhausted.

Film Fixer – Premixed by teacher.  Place one drop of Fix-a-sure into the fixer.  If a white cloud develops and remains the fixer is exhausted.

Photo-flo – Mix 40 oz. of water with one cap full of Photo-flo.

Go over the Processing Steps before beginning!

  1. Developer
  2. Stop Bath/Wash
  3. Fixer
  4. Wash
  5. Photo-flo
  6. Drying


Fill the tank with developer, then start the timer. Bang the tank against the edge of the sink a few times to dislodge any air bubbles (this is especially important if you're using a large tank). Agitate the tank for 10 seconds every minute by rocking the tank back and forth, or if you're using a plastic tank, by spinning the "stir stick".

Develop for 8:00 minutes.

When the development time is finished, pour the developer into the large tank for separate disposal.

After learning to use your camera, shoot a practice roll of film. The subject matter is unimportant. This roll of film is about learning the developing process. Take your photographs outdoors! Without a flash, you will not have enough light to get good exposures.

Remember the SAFE method!

  1. Shutter Speed
  2. Aperture
  3. Focus 
  4. Exposure

Developing Process

Stop Bath

Pour stop bath into the tank. Agitate constantly for about 10 seconds.Let sit for 25 more seconds.  Return the stop bath to the bottle.


Pour Fixer into the tank, and set the timer for 5 minutes. Agitate the tank 10 seconds every minute. Whe the fix time is finished, return the fixer to the bottle.


Remove the lid of the tank, and place the reel into the film washer. Wash for 5 minutes. Make sure the water is reaching the top and then empting. (Sometimes it sticks and you must knock the side of the washer.


Place reel in the photo-flo. Agitate for 20 seconds.

Drying Film

Hang the film to dry.  Clips are under the sink.  Use a weighted clip at the bottom of the roll.  Normally, a roll of film will take about three hours to air dry completely. 

Important: always handle wet film by its edges only! Fingerprints and dust on the film during drying are very difficult if not impossible to remove later.

Remember, Dust is the Enemy!

Decorating Your Camera

Transform your camera into something completely different.

 We have all kinds of materials available for our transformation.
  • Plastercraft
  • Felt
  • Balsa Wood
  • Raffia
  • Wire
  • Acrylic Paints
  • String
  • Yarn
  • Foam Core
  • and much more.

Some Considerations
  • Think of objects that are already cylinders. (Batteries, Light House)
  • Don't bite off more than you can chew. With enough time you can create almost anything, we don't have forever!
  • A simple armature can be made out of bundled paper towels and masking tape. Cover it with plaster craft to create heads.
  • Use acrylic paint, not tempera.
  • The hot glue gun is your friend!
  • Every day junk can often be turned into something else.
Here are a couple of examples of previous student work.