Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Sepia Toning

Sepia toning is a process that gives a photograph a warm brown tone and increases it's archival properties. (How long it will last) The image is first bleached to turn the metallic silver into a silver halide. The print is washed to remove the bleach then it is immersed in toner which converts the silver halide into silver sulfide.

You must Sepia Tone your "Close-up" or "Selfie" pinhole image and Mount it!!

  1. Immerse the print in the Bleach Bath and agitate it for a out 6-8 minutes until most of the image has disappeared or turned yellow. I like to leave some areas black for contrast. (Wear Goggles and take care while using bleach! It can damage your eyes!!)
  2. Rinse to remove bleach. (2 minutes)
  3. Place the print in the Toner Bath and agitate until the image completely fills in with warm browns.(60 seconds)
  4. Rinse thouroughly for 2 minutes.
  5. Fix for two minutes.
  6. Wash for 4 minutes.

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